The Toad and the Recycling Bin

There’s a toad that lives under our recycling bin. I discovered him by accident when putting the bin out a few weeks back. I picked him up and put him in the pond and promptly forgot about it. Two weeks later and when moving the bin out, there he was again. Once more we made the trip down the garden to the pond. Today, I gently lifted the bin before moving it and there was Mr Toad, lurking in the cool damp environs beneath. Now, why that bin? Why not the grey one? Is the green bin a des-res and the grey one less desirable property to let?

So, once more we go through the little ritual of putting him in the pond and during the next few days he will make his way back to his home under the recycling bin where he will bide the fortnight before his next eviction. Toads, it seems, are creatures of habit.

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  1. It’s probably so that he can nab the slugs and snails as they slide up the bin towards the smell of mouldy veg peelings. We’ve got a nice fat little fella living in the cucumber gro-bag in the greenhouse. I only discovered him the other night when I was watering – he emerged from the bag looking very peeved.

  2. Ours seems a bit peeved being kicked out every couple of weeks. Your analysis is probably right – I hadn’t thought of that, but it makes perfect sense.

  3. the toads must be getting a lot of exercise ! They don’t live in water, only needing ponds for breeding, they are usually found under stones/logs etc (or their modern equivalents) where they get shelter and find food.

  4. I’m sure the exercise will do him good… I put him by the pond as this has lots of natural cover, so he is less likely to attract the attention of cats. A quick check today confirms that he is back under the bin.

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