SPAM of the Day

Supposedly from the UK government (yeah, right), this little gem landed in my SPAM filter overnight. Read and enjoy:

Hello ,
UK Government has decided to help you .Ministry of Finance has decided to return some of the taxes payed by you during the time. Has decided that every man aged between 30 and 55 years
 to receive 450 pounds for family maintenance . The requirement is to be married and to have a job.
 For those who have children will be given an additional 200 pounds .All you have to do to take
possession of money is to fill our form.
 Make a click on the link below to be redirected to our form : [links to]
Thank you !
UK Government & Ministry of Finance

Frankly, anyone cretinous enough to fall for this illiterate and amateurish attempt at phishing deserves to lose their money.

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