Complusory Volunteering

Via Anticant I see that the brown turd has resurrected an idea mooted by the boy Cameron a couple of years back:

Prime Minister Gordon Brown has pledged to ensure every young person has done 50 hours of voluntary work by the time they are 19 years old.

Mr Brown said a promise to bring in compulsory community service would be a part of his next election manifesto.

Under the scheme, the work may include helping charities and is likely to become part of the school curriculum.

The more time that passes, the more that government pronouncements sound like the deranged, contradictory drivel so beloved of the Soviet apparatchiks of yesteryear. Compulsory volunteering? An oxymoron, surely.

Apart from the newspeak and doublethink, apart from the blatant attempt at populism, there is only one word to describe this plan. That word is not evil, nor is it wicked, repugnant, vile, immoral, repulsive, sickening or disgusting, although it is all of these things. The word is slavery, something outlawed in the UK two hundred years ago. Our bodies do not belong to the state, and no one – not even the prime mentalist – has the moral authority to force anyone else into servitude. No one.


  1. Hitler got there first with the slogan “Arbeit macht frei” over the concentration camp gates.

  2. We desperately need a Glorious Revolution for the modern age. If only we had a modern day King William…

  3. Why, why, why?

    It reminds me of the elderly folk who often opine that some sort of national service would be good for young people – in order to build character or something like that, I suppose.

    But with Labour, it is probably linked with their enthusiasm for relentlessly raising the school leaving age. It’s really about improving the statistics – both education and unemployment.

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