Spam, Spam, Spam… And General Silliness

I got spammed again yesterday. Someone used the contact form to shill their sunglasses site. No, I am not giving you a linky, you cheeky git.

Has anyone ever managed to convince a blogger to provide a link from a spam email or comment? Anyone? Ever?

Oh, yes, and to the the Flying Rodent who left a very strange comment and then editied it out (I still have the original), I haven’t a clue what you were on about.


  1. I got quite a nice comment today, which was “Fucking tasteless comment you gay twat.” but I don’t mind the occasional spambot linking to some product or other in the comments, it’s all part and parcel, isn’t it?

    I once even got a spambot from a UK government website saying how great the Welfare State is. I ought to track that one down again really, you do wonder what else they waste our money on.

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