State Theft

Via The Great Simpleton, I am reminded about the grand Labour plan to steal people’s property.

Married Labour MPs Ann and Alan Keen have been given a month to stop their local council repossessing their home 10 miles from the House of Commons.

And why is this?

Hounslow Council has told the couple “urgent action” is needed to explain why their main home in Brentford is unoccupied.

The sheer effrontery is staggering. What fucking business is it of Hounslow Council’s what these people do with their property? None what-so-fucking-ever should be the answer and a sharp kick up the jacksie to boot.

But, no, this is our brave new world order we are talking about:

If the council does not get a satisfactory response from the Keens, it then has the power to issue an Empty Dwelling Management Order which would allow the council to take possession of the property and bring it back into use.

“Take possession” those are weasel words indeed. “Theft” is the appropriate description, theft, plain and simple.

Such orders became law five years ago in order to give local councils the power to take possession of empty properties and bring them back into use.

There is an irony here that it is a pair of Labour MPs who have been caught out. Perhaps, just perhaps, it will cause them to reflect on the evil they have helped to create, although I doubt it somehow.

And there are folk who think my comparisons between this deeply nasty authoritarian party and ZanuPF are inappropriate. It seems they become more appropriate with every passing day…



  1. Agree – but I have yet to see the Conservatives mention, let alone undertake to repeal, this piece of legislation. On a general point – of which this kind of Conservative inaction is a prime example – the Cameroons are returning to ratchet-style socialism (ie accept what Labour administrations enact, manage the resulting wreckage but never seriously challenge it) which was what “conservatism” meant between 1945 and 1979

  2. “but I have yet to see the Conservatives mention, let alone undertake to repeal, this piece of legislation.”

    And nor have I. In fact, I can’t recall a single piece of nasty, authoritarian, statist legislation that they have promised to repeal.

    This is, undoubtedly, due to my poor memory, since there must have been one. Or possibly two.
    .-= ´s last blog ..Will Christians stand up for the rights of the BNP? =-.

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