More Blog Spam

Following on from the spammy email I received the other week, I have been approached again – although this time the company concerned appears legitimate, if a little misguided.


I was curious what it would take to get a text link on your blog saying something like “Tungsten Wedding Bands” or “Tungsten Wedding Rings” with a hyperlink to our site  (link removed). We are a relatively new company and we are currently trying to improve our page ranking on Google. We operate on a small budget, and we would be more than willing to give you a tungsten ring from our site in exchange for a link. Let me know if this would be something that you would be interested in. Thanks for any help you can give us.

Thank You


Tungsten Rings Online

Well, Nick, to take your initial question first – nothing. This is because had you bothered to read the statement on my comments page, you would realise that I don’t host commercial links. And, had you bothered to read it, you would not have sent this mail, now, would you?

Secondly, this practice will eventually get you into Google’s bad books and is therefore probably not a good thing to be doing anyway.

So, bottom line – no, I cannot be of any help to you and no, I don’t want a ring from your site. And to anyone else contemplating e-mailing me on this subject – please don’t. This is not a commercial site and I don’t host commercial links m’kay?


Update: it’s worth pointing out that if you Google the phrases Nick is asking for in his links, then the company is already on page one, so spamming blogs and annoying their authors isn’t necessary anyway.


Update: I see that DK has succumbed – but, then, he had a need for wedding rings


  1. Damn straight—never look a gift horse in the mouth, etc.

    Mind you, if the rings either don’t arrive or they are shit, then I shall write condemning the fuckers and we’ll see how high that gets in Google…


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