My Summer in the Sun

Tomorrow September takes the baton from August and with it, the summer dies. Although over the past couple of weeks this moment has been fore-shadowed with the furnace of high summer stepping aside gracefully for the careworn, mellow warmth of a year sliding into the golden slumber of autumn.

I both love and hate this time of the year. The faint chill of early morning and lazy warmth of the afternoons have a comfortable feeling with the bittersweet knowledge that the chill of winter hangs just out of sight in the early morning mists. It seems but a mote in time since April, blustery and grey, gave way to the mild sunshine of early May, before flowering into the hazy days of June and July; so warm, that merely sitting still one could feel the pores dripping perspiration and the tickling trickling as it ran down one’s skin. Afternoons, too hot to do anything, so nothing was done, idling the time in the garden with a long drink, listening to the cicadas chirruping in the trees while feeling the moments slide by in indolent leisure.

And so it goes, summer, my time, passes and I mourn that passing. Yet this year after three decades since I enjoyed the last one, I finally got my summer in the sun. Yes, I pause and look back wistfully for what has now gone, but I do so knowing that next year I’ll have another and another. That, after all, was one reason for escaping Blighty’s rain drenched shores.

I can live with the snows of winter knowing this.


  1. Poetic stuff, Longrider, but according to the Met Office there is a “barbeque summer” currently in progress in Blighty, so there was no need for you to decamp to the continent… 😉
    .-= My last blog .. =-.

  2. So I understand. How did that go after all? Oh, yeah… Wettest July on record. Ahem. Nice to see that the Met Office is as consistent as ever 😀

  3. As Mr E says, very poetic.

    TGW-O and I were discussing this very subject over the past couple of days. Its almost like a switch is thrown on August 31st. Cooler misty mornings start and darker evenings are noticable. All very depressing. I don’t mind the cold, its the short, drab, grey days and long nights I find depressing.
    .-= My last blog ..Sailing round the world and Libertariansim =-.

  4. When I first came to France five years ago on the 31st Aug The family and I eat out every night till the last days of October. Soon you will see the French winter with cold crisp clear mornings when the breath holds in the air and the body comes alive with that chill. Check all outside taps, pumps for wells or pools. There will be frosts of minus 10-15 overnight to temps. of 17-18 at midday,glorious, c’est la vie.

  5. We’ve been eating out since May and will be doing so until October I expect. Winters tend to be crisp and there will be snow in Late December with a freeze in January. By March, things will be starting to warm up again. Even when it is cold, there is still sunshine and in the middle of the day, it starts to be warm.

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