They Really, Really Hate Us

George Monbiot opines on the issue of climate change and population and weighs into the  Optimum Population Trust. It’s not the article that hit me like biting on a Werther’s Original with a rotten molar; as it’s the usual stuff – although it’s amusing to see two green camps attacking each other. No, it’s in the comments where we see the frenzied misanthropy of the greenie displayed in all its magnificence, that makes the eyes water:

So we need to attack on all fronts. Ban cars, foreign holidays, and women working (doubles emissions per family) to reduce the take of the middles.

And so on…

Yup, they really, really hate us. All of us, despite protestations of support for the “poor”. After all, the “poor” need to have their aspirations educated out of them, thereby ensuring that they remain poor. Nice. Words just do not describe how evil these people are.



  1. Is there any reliable estimate of what proportion of climate change is due to human activity? And is there any realistic prospect of securing enough global agreement and effective action to modify that activity? The answer to both questions is almost certainly ‘No’. All we are going to get is the usual empty waffle and the proliferation of futile restrictions on private freedom of choice which will make f___all difference anyway.

  2. Longrider,

    Please read this if you have not done so already, and you’ll understand why Monbiot et al are panicking and popping off at each other.

    The wheels have come off the climate change bandwagon. The CRU source data went missing twenty years ago and only cherry picked data from adjusted sources which matched the hypothesis were used in the study.
    .-= My last blog ..I talk to the trees…. =-.

  3. Bill, I’ve just been following all the links and discussions relating to this story and it’s pretty explosive stuff. Oddly enough there’s nothing on the BBC or the Groan. Why is that, I wonder? After all, it’s a big story…

    Where’s Moonbat?

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