More Chuckles

Another stray link that showed up today in my stats was this from that daft, washed up old class warrior, Bob Piper – yes, I know, it’s best not to take any notice as it only encourages them. But it did cause me to smile, so I thought I’d share. Oh, to see ourselves as other see us, eh? Well, why not return the favour?

The link is from an old entry about the BNP being left wing, thing. Anyway, a commenter calling himself Three Hammers reckons I’m po-faced.

He must be the most humourless, po-faced, taking himself unreasonably serious blogger since Dizzy Thinks.

Given that I have never taken myself too seriously, the comment is factually wrong on all counts, but there’s a little background to this. What Three Hammers fails to disclose is that he is the pompous prig (or is that prick? I can never remember) who is otherwise known as David Cameron’s Forehead. His favourite trick being to trawl blogs and leave drive-by insults. A through and through watermelon, he once pompously accused me of being a “denier”. Since then there have been a few drive-by insults that added nothing to the discussion concerned so I deleted them – I can’t be bothered to deal with fuckwits who cannot put an argument together. Although he changed his moniker and email address, the IP remained the same. So, a troll.

Bob Piper doesn’t like the photograph I had on my “about” page. Sigh… It was pretty obvious that it was posed for a bit of fun, but that’s beyond our Bob… That said, it was getting out of date, so it’s no longer there until I put something more up to date in place. If I feel inclined.

Still, all I can say is; if my writing irritates these two, then I’m doing something right.


  1. Whenever I read something from the likes of Tom Harris or Frank Field that makes sense and puts a human face on New Labour I always turn to the likes of Bob Piper or even Terry Kelly to see the true face of petty Old Labour who are still part of the real nasty party.

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