Islam for the UK

Via Clairwill, this example of a parody singularity. It’s difficult to know where to start when faced with such epic lunacy. Except, of course, to point out that these freaks are serious. They really, really do want Shari’ah imposed upon the UK – whatever the UK population may think of the matter. The page linked to, relates to how they would change Trafalgar Square and Clarwill has said all that needs to be said on that one, but there are some little gems in the piece. This statement from their flyer, however is, partially at least, true, before decending into outright idiocy:

…the British society has suffered extensively from the oppression of democracy and man-made law, and the Muslims stand united in saying, “Enough is enough”.

To be fair, there is little to argue with in the first part of that statement – after all we do live under the tyranny of the minority as a consequence of democracy and democracy isn’t all it’s cracked up to be as it has failed to provide an adequate defence of our liberties. Indeed we have seen our liberties actively curtailed by a government elected by only 22% of the electorate. Unfortunately, liberty is not what these fruitcakes actually want:

We have had enough of freedom, and enough of liberalism it is time for the sovereignty to return to the Creator of the heavens and the Earth, Almighty Allah (SWT) and it is time for authority to be handed to the Muslims.

Yes, well, I suspect that the majority response to that from most of the UK population will be similar to that of John Smith in the comments:

over our dead bodies you scum

Indeed. However, moderate Muslims have a view, apparently that suggests that Muslims are not “united” on this matter. Hardly surprising if some of them came to the UK to get away from Shari’ah as did one Kurdish woman I knew following her imprisonment for speaking her mind. Not a wise move for someone living in Iran. They executed her brother. Inayat Bunglawala objects to Islam4UK and thinks that the “thousands” marching for Shari’ah will, in fact, be a few hundred at best.

Well, the bad news is that al-Muhajiroun is back. In its latest guise of Islam for the UK/Islam4UK it has announced that it is to hold a procession called “March for Sharia” on Saturday 31 October, starting at 1pm outside the Houses of Parliament, where it tells us its members will demand the abolishment of the House of Commons, then march past Downing Street, and end up at 4pm in Trafalgar Square.

Its flyers tell us that it expects thousands of British Muslims to participate in the demonstration. Past experience tells us that it will in fact struggle to get more than 100 people, if that – out of a total UK Muslim population of about 2 million – to attend.

He’s probably not far off. He has a cunning plan:

So what should be done? In recent days I have seen some emails from anxious Muslims saying that they have got to publicly put clear distance between themselves and al-Muhajiroun. Others have wondered whether they should organise a counter-demonstration on the same day at the same venue. I happen to think that is an excellent idea and have contacted the Metropolitan police to obtain permission for a counter-demo. I have no idea how many people will turn up if it goes ahead but I would hope that it won’t be too difficult to surpass the numbers mustered by al-Muhajiroun.

Well, that should be interesting… We will have Islam4UK marching, and likely as not EDL will have a counter demo and now a Muslim counter demo.

Get the popcorn out…

Of course if the folks at Islam4Uk really want to live under the barbaric and incompetent Shari’ah system, nothing is stopping them. After all, it only costs an airline ticket.


  1. The best way of dealing with the Islam4UK demo is to ignore it completely: no counter-demos, no calls to ban it. The spectacle of around 100 loonies walking down Whitehall with, probably, more than 100 policemen “protecting” them is laughable and that’s the key: laugh at them, don’t indulge their weird fantasy that they are important or have a private line to God. That way, they get a very public humiliation and (except for the BBC) little in the way of news exposure – a win for “moderate” Muslims and us infidels.

  2. I’m uncertain whether this Islam 4UK site is genuine or a parody – it surely can’t be serious? But either way, these guys are no laughing matter: there may only be a handful of them now but with all the assiduous hate propaganda against Western values being peddled in Islamic ‘faith’ schools and mosques – ironically largely at taxpayers’ expense – there will soon be many many more in our midst unless government (and opposition) policies change drastically.

    As for the much touted ‘moderate’ Muslims who publicly stand up against this garbage, would somebody please produce one? I’ve been looking for them for years, but so far they resemble Sherlock Holmes’s dog that didn’t bark in the night.

  3. Indeed, Inayat Bunglawala appears to be a lone voice here. I do hope Giolla is right about the EDL – ignoring this march is the best approach.

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