Misanthrope of the Day

Via Samizdata, a jaw dropping quote from the BBC ethical man site. I quote it in full so that you can truly appreciate its sheer awfulness.

The one commment that I read that made most sense was the one about over population.
Frankly the sooner we can persuade the catholics, muslims, and other ‘faith zealots’ that breeding billions extra followers is not needed and is putting their lives in danger the better, then finally we might find preachers telling people to use condoms, the pill etc. to reduce their own output of offspring.
WE DO NOT NEED ANOTHER SINGLE HUMAN for at least the next 10 years! We don’t need them to provide for the old ones, we don’t need them to continue to hold unsustainably large number of humans in populations, we certainly don’t need them to avoid offending ‘God’ in whatever form he takes.
We DO need to reduce the human population DRASTICALLY, this one act will solve global warming, starvation, lack of medicines indeed most of the diseases. In a lot of respects I am saddened that the various pundits were so wrong about swine flu, the human population could do with a good 25% knocked out. Heres a nicer idea – restrict every woman to a single pregnancy, once she has had that then sterilize her, restrict every man to causing a single pregnancy, after that castrate him, stop ALL forms of artificial preganancy (test tube etc.) This way we will reduce the population – and quite quickly.

Now, I’m not going to get into the discussion about “ethical man’s” angst about the birth of his daughter. If he was really that concerned about the impact she will have on the planet, he’d have worn a condom or his partner would have popped a pill. They didn’t, so we can assume that “ethical man” doesn’t quite live up to his claimed ethics, and write him of as the rampant hypocrite that is the case with most watermelons.

But Dave Hitchman – the vile moron who made the above comment – is worthy of rather more than mere dismissal as a hypocrite. He is a reminder of the insane hatred of mankind that exists in the world. If you ever wondered about the type of people who could stand by and watch millions going to their deaths in gas chambers, then look no further. It is the Dave Hitchmans of this world that allow such evil to perpetuate.

Sure, there’s a discussion to be had about population and resources – although you can forget about the carbon footprint bollocks. Sure there’s a discussion to be had about sustainability in the third world. Sure, there’s a discussion to be had about religious fundamentalism that prevents the use of contraceptives. But for someone to wish for a pandemic that will wipe out a quarter of the population takes misanthropy and turns it into an art form.

Presumably Dave Hitchman isn’t including himself in that 25% – these arseholes never do. It’s always the poor and dispossessed who need wiping out. Or better still, the western middle classes. But not Dave Hitchman, we can be sure about that. And, presumably, Dave Hitchman will be nipping down to the local hospital to get himself castrated. No? Why ever not? Surely with his ethics, he will want to lead by example? Certainly the sooner his genes are removed from the gene pool the better for humanity as a whole. I do, however, find it amusing in a strange way that this man can accuse others of zealotry and come out with such hateful zealotry himself. The religion is different, that’s all.

I am a peaceful person. I have never owned a gun, nor wanted to (although I can shoot reasonably well). But, I have to say, Perry’s solution to this is appropriate:

A far better response, and dare I say a more ethical one, would be “your policy will indeed reduce the world’s population because people like me will put a 10mm hole between the eyes of totalitarian scum like you.”

Indeed. I do still have my bow. So a well aimed arrow will do as well, I trust?


  1. Old Thomas Malthus said it all ages ago. War, famine and disease – still the most potent curbs on population (thanks to humankind’s own folly).

  2. I read somewhere and mentally agreed with the comment, that the only charity given to any country should be family planning and education in kind ie. condoms or books and associated items. Seems a much better idea than millions in monies to dictators and or the political class.

  3. Peter, I stopped giving to charities for Africa a long, long time ago. Charitable giving, while well meant, merely enables the problem. What African nations need is trade without barriers. It’s what they ask for, too. Given economic growth and the inevitable rise in standards of living, there will be a knock on decrease in the amount of children people have.

    Julia, the doubtless inevitable lack of Mr Hitchman’s ability to sing soprano makes him a vile hypocrite. But we knew this already.

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