Idiotic CiF Article of the Day

Well, there has to be one, doesn’t there? I don’t know where the Groan digs them up from, but stupidity is the mark of the beast. In this case, we get twenty-four carat diamond encrusted bunkum from Toby Litt.

As any random five-minute segment of Top Gear will demonstrate, car ownership is roughly 5% about getting from A to B and 95% about gloating.

Sigh… No. It’s 100% about getting from A to B. I have neither the time nor energy to notice what anyone else is driving, let alone gloat about it. If you gloat, then it tells me about you – that you are a twat, frankly. Anyway, this is all about us gloating about the godawful Toyota Prius, apparently:

To see the Prius recalled due to a manufacturing fault has caused an outbreak of global gloating not equalled since Silvio Berlusconi got decked. As such, it’s fulfilled its role as a car. ­Everyone from SUV-drivers to Ferrari boys to those timid souls intending to buy a Prius (but not just yet) has good cause for the schadenfreude of the rear-view mirror – which is what happens when Vorsprung durch Technik is seen to have broken down by the side of the autobahn. And, by appearing so obviously fallible, the Prius’s role as symbolic Saviour of the Planet has clearly been undermined. That position, though, is never going to be a smooth ride. It’s a clean job, but someone’s gotta do it.

Sigh… In the first comment on this bilge, the obvious retort says it all:

I think that one reason why the Prius is looked down upon is that contrary to popular belief it is NOT and[sic] environmentally friendly car.

Quite. And Toby Litt is an idiot.