I Declare Shenanigans

Via Leg Iron, I came across this little story. Bearing in mind the source, it is probably wise to exercise some scepticism. However, it tickled my humour glands, so I thought I’d share.

Juunk[sic] food may be as addictive as heroin and tobacco, a study has shown.

Obesity researchers found fatty and sugary snacks trigger the same ‘pleasure centres’ in the brain that drive people into drug addiction – making them binge on unhealthy food.

The findings could partly explain the soaring obesity rates in Britain and the success of fast food outlets.

Oh, please… I’ve eaten so-called junk food in my time and have never experienced any cravings. Apparently, rats became addicted during the experiments, so that proves it.

Experts studied rats fed on cheesecake, bacon and sausages. Soon after the experiments began the animals began to bulk up and show signs of addiction.

‘It presents the most thorough and compelling evidence that drug addiction and obesity are based on the same underlying neurobiological mechanisms,’ Professor Paul Kenny said.

No. It. Doesn’t. I repeat, I’ve eaten this stuff and have never experienced any cravings. I am not addicted to hamburgers or chips (and certainly not cheesecake – horrible sticky confection, ugh!) and never have been. I’m as skinny as the proverbial rake as well. While humans are, indeed, mammals, we are not rats (well, most of us aren’t).

Britons are the world’s biggest junk food addicts.


At the same time, the average adult eats just over three portions of fruit and vegetables a day – the recommended number is five.

No. It. Isn’t. My recommended intake of fruit and vegetables is whatever I decide it is.

We will also get through 22,000 ready meals, sandwiches and sweet snacks in a lifetime – just under one a day.

Yes. And? So?

This article is long on hyperbole and short on facts. So, given the source; normal operation, then…


  1. “I’ve eaten so-called junk food in my time and have never experienced any cravings”

    I have. Usually after a few drinks on passing a kebab shop. 😉

    Agree entirely with your take on the five a day though, I don’t think I’ve ever had that many in any day yet I can still outrun just about everyone I know even with an admittedly unhealthy lifestyle. It helps that I don’t veg in front of the TV much and wish there were 28 hours in the day, of course.

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