Via Leg Iron, in response to this story, the above is a rating widget for this blog. Why is it rated “parental guidance”?
This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
- hell (2x)
- dick (1x)
Jesus fucking Christ! So “Dick” Puddlecote is a swear word now? And who is so fucking precious that they are offended by the word “hell”? Anyway, while the little widget is an amusing diversion, there is an underlying seriousness to the story.
Tibboh has consulted the British Board of Film Classification in order to categorise around three billion web addresses, with thousands of new assessments made daily.
Well, they’re going to be busy. Still, I guess it’s a creative method of job creation. Never mind that it is arse dribble:
Social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace have been given a 12 rating, while gambling and illegal downloading sites are rated 18.
Facebook has a minimum sign-up age of 13. And illegal downloading sites are, er illegal, so why are these twats rating them? It’s okay to download illegal stuff if it has the right rating and you are over the minimum age?
And just to demonstrate how really stupid the whole idea is, here is the rating for this site after publishing this post:
This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
- hell (4x)
- dick (3x)
- knife (2x)
- steal (1x)
Brilliant. Sheer fucking brilliance. How will they keep up? I hope their sytem is better than this widget.
This is a classic example of private industry offering itself up to the executioner. How soon before government decides that all ISPs follow Tibboh’s lead?
In the meantime, sensible parents should give this ISP a wide berth and manage their children themselves.
Blimey! Just as well DK deep-sixed his old site, or their assessment widget might have spontaneously combusted!
.-= My last blog ..Music & That One Irritating Line… =-.
To be fair, the widget isn’t Tibboh’s – it was found somewhere else, but is useful to demonstrate the sheer stupidity of the idea.
I only got a PG-13 rating. Mainly because it has five references to ‘gun’.
I need to swear more, or perhaps next time replace ‘taken at the end of a barrel of a gun’ to ‘taken at the end of the barrel of an assault rifle’.
That should do the trick. 😉
Not surprisingly, my blog got a “G”.
Underneath, it did say
“This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words: dangerous (1x)”
I suspect that on another day, I might have missed out on the “G” rating.
.-= My last blog ..We get the politicians we deserve =-.
It would be interesting, and perhaps amusing, to know how it would rate a school curriculum site, one that does stuff like citizenship perhaps – with talk about knives, contraception and so on.
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