More Professionally Offended

Further to John Prescott’s cringe-worthy excuses for Gordon Brown’s gaffe – and this one seems to want to run and run – we now get the Guardian journalists lining up to defend the indefensible or to vilify Gillian Duffy in a feeble attempt to justify Brown’s intemperate remarks. Not least, a professionally offended East European.

I am an eastern European.

Just so’s you know, of course. And, naturally, you can see just where this is leading…

Words fail me.

Going by the verbal diarrhoea that follows; no, they don’t.

Yesterday I stared alternately at my screen and keyboard in complete and utter paralysis, while inside I was raging. At one point I actually genuinely broke down in tears and great heaving sobs.

Oh, good grief. Histrionics or what? So what, precisely, has caused poor Milena to start blubbing like a new born?

I had been watching “bigotgate” unfold – mostly on Twitter, a bit on LiveJournal, a bit in mainstream media – since around lunchtime. Oh, I thought initially, finally someone’s made a gaffe in this election campaign – just what the media have been wanting. Then I actually went and watched the clip – first the short version on the Channel 4 News website which only has the last 30 seconds of the PM’s conversation with Gillian Duffy and his comments in the car; then I watched the full thing, which included Duffy’s comments on the “flocking eastern Europeans”.

Ah, that nasty, wicked Gillian Duffy, asking those naughty questions of the PM – and letting slip that comment about Eastern Europeans. Actually, what she said wasn’t so very bad, it was what many in Britain are thinking. Whether there is a real cause for concern is another matter. I for one am happy with the idea of economic migration – if people wish to move to the UK, work or set up business and contribute to the economy, you won’t find me complaining about it. However, if all they are going to do is become professional whingers in the pages of the Guardian, then perhaps they should bugger off.

But reading my Twitter feed I thought, surely if it was that bad someone there would pick up on her actual comments, and not just go for Brown. Maybe I was being oversensitive.

Yes, you are being over sensitive and no, her comments weren’t that bad.

I did eventually pluck up the courage to tweet a shy, self-deprecating “Flocking eastern European here. Just sayin’.”

Yes? And? So?

No reaction.

Clearly I’m not the only one.

Sod it, I thought, maybe I am just overreacting.

Yes, you are over reacting.

Comments about immigration are inevitable, especially in an election campaign, someone will always make them.


Just grow a thicker skin, Mili.

Absolutely. The article could have stopped there, really – everything that needed to be said, having been said. The stupid woman is over reacting and needs to grow a thicker skin. The dawning of self-awareness being a useful bonus that promised so much but delivered so little. Consequently, as expected, this being the Guardian and all that; the paper where the professionally offended get to air their petty little grievances; it doesn’t end there. What we got was a self-pitying rant about Gillian Duffy.

Anger. Anger at Gillian Duffy, anger at all the people who weren’t willing to stand up to her.

There was nothing to stand up to. A woman asked some perfectly predictable questions. She may be ill-informed about immigration, but the concerns are real nonetheless. That does not make her a bigot and if her questions cause such anguish for Milena, then Milena needs to grow that thicker skin and exercise some maturity.

And finally a profound sense of isolation, hurt, and being alone. Tears and huge heaving sobs. I’ve not cried like that in about five years.

Now why am I utterly unmoved by this desperate little display of childish emotion? Because it is cack, I suppose.

That’s how Gillian Duffy made me feel. What did I ever do to her?

Nothing. And she has done nothing to you. Now get over yourself.


  1. Wow, I feel really sorry for that… since she works for the Guardian I probably shouldn’t use the word reporter as that implies an ability to be objective… writer(?).

    Considering that Mrs Duffy’s take on immigration was limited to a few words, a few seconds, and didn’t really say anything of substance one way or t’other, I can’t understand how people are offended by what was said. It also makes me wonder what their reaction of be if someone decided to say something really offensive or act it out.

    [Of course Mrs Duffy said some far more important things re the deficit, pensions etc that no-one else has challenged the PM on how simply vacillated. But of course substance does not matter when you can through bigot and racist around in wanton abandon, and thus the real story gets buried in a blaze of (stage-managed) righteous indignation.]

    “And finally a profound sense of isolation, hurt, and being alone. Tears and huge heaving sobs. I’ve not cried like that in about five years.”

    Not to worry dear, I’m sure writing about how much of a cry-baby you are earned you a nice little sum of money. Your progressive friends will be there to pat you on the back and condemn the bigoted underclass in that nice sense of smugness and unsubstantiated sense of superiority, thus avoiding the need of sullying your brain with anything even remotely approaching empathy or understanding.

    What is really amazing is how similar this woman’s thoughts and reactions echo Klemperer’s, a member of another victimised people albiet in the far less zealous state of Nazi Germany. Apart from the lack of dignity, humanity, inteligence, wit, understanding, hystrionics…

  2. How could you be so mean? I’ll scweam and scweam and scweam until I’m sick and then you’ll be sorry, (because I’ll sue you, thanks to the wonderful laws our masters have provided).

  3. Well, I think this Duffy woman is indeed a bigot, ignorant at that, but having always voted labour, is also stupid and has only herself to blame!

    I may sound a tad harsh, but I have run out of patience with people who have voted for this shower and are surprised at the resulting mess.

  4. Ah Jesus. Why did I click on that link? I *knew* what the CiF comments would be like, but I still did it.

    Fucking smug, ignorant, myopic, self-loathing, bigoted (irony alert) lefties: why can’t they all just fuck off to North Korea and leave the rest of us in peace?

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