Internet Privacy

While those of us concerned about the invasions of liberty and privacy by government have been pretty vocal, let us not forget that commercial concerns are also more than happy to mine our data for their benefits. A discussion today on CiF reminds us.

Perhaps, though, the most chilling comment comes from Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google.

‘If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.’

WTF?! There are plenty of things I do that are legal, perfectly normal and nothing to do with anyone else and I prefer not to share. Schmidt’s comment is straight out of the nothing to hide, nothing to fear handbook for the budding totalitarian and their useful idiots. It is not up to him to decide what we may be doing. It is up to his company not to mine for data and invade peoples’ privacy. It is up to us to do all we can to make that task as difficult as possible. Stop using Google, maybe…