Kill Football Fans

Despite my dislike of football and the dreary tournaments and semi-literate garbled garbage that the pundits ram down our throats at every opportunity, I’ve never thought of going this far

Two Somali football fans have been killed by Islamic militants after being caught watching World Cup matches.

I know it’s tempting, but really?

The deaths happened on Saturday near the capital Mogadishu when members of the Hizbul Islam group stormed a house where people were watching Nigeria play Argentina.

A further 10 people were arrested by the group, which has imposed a strict version of Islam in the areas it controls in southern and central Somalia.

Ah, yes, the good old religion of peace strikes again…

What should a good citizen be doing then?

Sheikh Mohamed Abdi Aros, a spokesman for the militants, said Somalia should respect their ban on the World Cup and focus on pursuing jihad.

Ah… “respec” crops up again. Everyone seems to be demanding respect these days. Why don’t they go out and earn some? Why should anyone respect a silly ban that should be systematically ignored merely to make the point. Indeed, if watching football was banned in the UK, I would put a peg on my nose and make a point of watching every match – including the ones holding my eyelids open.

Instead of watching football, what you should be doing is going out and killing people watching football.

“It is a waste of money and time and they will not benefit anything or get any experience by watching mad men jumping up and down.”

Can’t argue with that… 😀

H/T NickM

1 Comment

  1. Any twat that is a “football fan” NEEDS shooting.

    Preferably BEFORE the scum have polluted the gene pool.

    Fucking wankers.

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