Sometimes, the Guardianista come out with what they are really thinking without dressing it up. That way we can see the naked evil for what it is. This, for example in another racemongering article by Tamara Winfrey Harris on a recent vote in Arizona:
On Tuesday, Arizona voters were given the chance to vote on Proposition 107, which prohibits “the state from giving preferential treatment to or discriminating against any person or group on the basis of race, sex, colour, ethnicity or national origin”. The measure passed with 59% of the vote, effectively banning affirmative action in the state.
That’s right, Tamara is unhappy because 59% of Arizonans voted against race discrimination. What more can one say?
The proposition was incorrectly worded, probably by a fascist. It should have ended “… unless the preferential treatment or discrimination benefits people we approve of.”
The wording of the proposition is verbose, but canny. After all, preferential treatment of one group is discrimination against another, and vice versa, by definition, so one of those phrases is redundant. But by including both, it forces any objector into a position where they are against the very thing that they support. Or, to look at it another way, it forces the illogicality of their position into the open.
Good spot, and thanks.