Bidisha Talks Nonsense (Quelle Surprise)

Naturally, we expect Bidisha, CiF’s resident loony to come out with complete arse and she doesn’t disappoint.

It’s not enough to squeeze a baby out of your vagina while being treated like a piece of meat by hospital staff. You’ve also got to be pert, sexy and impervious to abuse. Or pretend it never happened.


So how are we to take the latest piece of medical gentlemen’s wisdom, that mothers older than 35 face untold risk to themselves and their progeny? They say it’s best to have kids when you are 25, at the same time as studying, establishing careers, travelling, saving money, dating, trying to crack the concrete ceiling, leap the pay gap and look nice. Or what? Men will be angry and say, “I told you so?” We can be blamed for everything that goes wrong with our child?

Never mind that those medical gentlemen (and women) are talking about basic biology here, eh? Just add some salt and vinegar to the fish supper on one’s shoulder.

Anyway, she gets a well deserved pasting in the comments. Why ever does the Groan pay this idiot to publish her insane misandrist witterings? It can’t be because they want to see her ritually humiliated by the commentariat, surely?

Maybe they do…


  1. Easy… If the likes of the Groan keep a resident extremist or two on the books then it makes the rag more appealing to mainstream readers – those who might be a bit nervous about being labelled ‘Guardianistas’ but feel a sense or reassurance that “we quite like the Groan but we’re not as mad as that CiF writer…”

    Mind you, that still doesn’t adequately explain Phillips or Littlejohn…

  2. I think every Bidisha column makes the world a little bit dumber…

    Mind you, I woke up to a news report on Radio 2 this morning about the Magdeburg train crash and a BBC reporter informing me that ‘Germany has a history of train crashes’. As opposed to every other country with a railway system?

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