Reap What You Sow

MediaCAT has ceased trading –  and a more welcome cessation would be hard to imagine. This egregious organisation was happy to extort money from people on the basis of unproven allegations using the threat of court action in the event of refusal. This was blackmail pure and simple. Well, twenty seven people called this nasty organisation’s bluff and it went to court. Now, not only has the company withdrawn from the case, giving the judge cause for concern:

I am getting the impression with every twist and turn since I started looking at these cases that there is a desire to avoid any judicial scrutiny,

But also it has ceased trading. A more cynical –  or world weary –  view might just come to the conclusion that Andrew Crossley, the shark responsible for this money spinning scam, had anticipated extorting the money without any judicial examination, because that was the whole point of the exercise; scare people into paying up and hope no one takes too much notice.

Still, there is a sweet epitaph to the whole sorry episode:

The solicitor of some of the defendants has warned they may sue Mr Crossley for harassment.

Oh, please, please do. A more deserving case I cannot imagine.