Prosecuting Gaddafi

The BBC television news has been full of the calls for the international court to prosecute Gaddafi. Now, I hold no torch for the nasty reprobate. However, it is not for the international community –  whatever that is –  to bring charges and prosecute (and the picture of the Chinese ambassador to the UN voting in favour –  Tiananmen Square, anyone? –  was something to behold). At least, it shouldn’t be. Gaddafi is Libya’s problem and his behaviour is a matter for Libyans to resolve. If they decide when all this is done to haul him before a court, then that should be their decision and any sanctions following that should be a matter for Libyan law and no one else.

That’s always assuming he survives the revolution, of course.


  1. I haven’t gone anywhere. As I’ve only just discovered, WordPress is all fucked up. Nothing I’ve posted following this one is showing up. I’m going to be migrating to a new server in the next few days, so hopefully it will be working again then. In the meantime, I’ve been talking to myself…

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