Brief Admin Note

Henceforth any comments that attempt to patronise me with the “you don’t understand” canard will be summarily deleted. I have placidly tolerated this little rhetorical device once too often. Enough now. From now on, delete and ban.

Might I also point out to anyone who is contemplating commenting for the first time; read my comments policy. If you think that an opening salvo of ad hominem, strawmen and the “you don’t understand” argument is going to get you anywhere, you are mistaken, as the new commenter who tried that tack this week found out.

Okay, as you were.


  1. Look, you don’t understand, you stupid bastard, that you can’t make people write what you want them to write.

    I think I managed the whole lot there:

    1) You don’t understand. 2) you stupid bastard (ad hominem). 3) You can’t… (straw man). And all in the opening salvo!

    Do I win the prize?

  2. True understanding is the gift of wisdom. Those who accuse others of not understanding often lack either.

    God, I’m so profound tonight. 😀 Must be the whiskey.

  3. Profound indeed. However, it is merely a code for “disagrees with me and has failed to respond correctly to my weak argument, logical fallacies and condescending tone”. 😉

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