
The BBC’s annual fest of celebs being rather puerile for the sake of raising money for their Children in Need appeal will be dominating their programming tonight. I won’t be watching and I won’t be donating. Children in Need is not a charity I feel inclined to support and the sight of people doing silly things “all for charideee” doesn’t float my boat –  neither does being harangued to cough up by people who can afford to cough up far larger sums that I ever could. And, perhaps, it is worth pointing out that this format outlived its appeal twenty years ago. So, once more, I’ll be watching prerecorded programmes. The video recorder, one of the great inventions of the twentieth century 👿


  1. Curmudgeons of the world Unite!

    The only way I’d give ’em money is if they promised not to broadcast it ever again.

    Watching Shakespeare in Love right now. Lovely clever funny movie.

  2. My nasty cynical and curmudgeonly bs detectors suggest that these programmes are more about being able to bung a few sovs to fellow luvvies for appearing on the show (Equity rules you know….), rather than any notional charitable impulses.
    Rather like the ‘Save Africa’ or ‘Victims of the Week’ appeals trotted out between what pass for programmes on the box.
    And very like the interminable musical retrospectives that they churn out, that consist of 3 seconds of music from the ‘featured’ artist, followed by half an hour of drug-addled recollections of same by vague acquaintances and peripheral hangers on. The repetition and sheer quantity of such ‘entertainments’ means it’s guaranteed to be a ‘jobs for pals’ scheme for the luvvies, or at least something similar?

  3. There was quite an entertaining film on last night, Messrs Depp and Jolie and not a child in sight anywhere in the film. I was hassled by a couple of minutes of Wogan et al because I switched on too early, but only myself to blame for that although 2 minuites is enough to realise how crass, boring and oversentimentalised this annual occasion has become.

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