So it Ends, not With a Bang, Not With a Whimper…

But with incompetence. I turned up to begin my last week of night turns at Sainsbury’s last night. The shift manager wasn’t our usual one –  she was a day manager standing in. Surprised to see me, she told me that I wasn’t on her schedule. Sure enough, I wasn’t.

We looked at the rest of the week. Nope, I am not there; a non-person who does not exist. I told her that this was supposed to be the last week of my notice and she asked if I had put it in writing. Of course, I assured her and I had stated, both in my letter of notice and verbally to the HR department that my last shift would be the 18th.

Not that this is a problem for me. Indeed, it is something of a relief, as my last five shifts all involved double shifting –  and going to Hampshire to run a track safety course, then coming home only to turn out for a night turn wasn’t something I was relishing. So, as I appear to have left already, I decided that last night would be my last shift rather than a week later.

I would have liked to have just walked once my decision was made three weeks ago and there was a time when I would have done so, but I tend to take the view that a contract is binding between two parties, no matter how awful the other side is. Thus it is with Sainsbury’s. I reluctantly agreed four weeks notice. They were too incompetent to add up to four. Too bad, I guess…


  1. And now the bastards are assaulting customers ears with ghastly tannoy announcements every few minutes, asking us “Did you know” etc, etc.

    Add that to the usual queues waiting for a checkout (due to not employing enough operators), and they really must want to send shoppers elsewhere…

    • Actually, as a supermarket, I quite like them. Well, I say “like” but that’s a relative term. I don’t actually “like” supermarkets, they are convenient and I dislike Sainsbury’s less than I dislike some of the others…

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