More Lies

Smoking in the car, even with the windows open or the air conditioning on, creates pollution that exceeds official “safe” limits, scientists say.

Any child sitting in the back of a car when someone in the front is smoking would be exposed to this.

This is self-evidently rampant nonsense. There are more particulates floating about from car exhausts than there are from a few burning leaves. Also, the idea that one cigarette is so harmful that we will all die! Die, I tell you, DIE!!!! WHO limits are exceeded is absurd. Not least because these puritanical arseholes regard zero as the only acceptable limit.

We are surrounded by pollution and we do not all keel over. I have travelled thousands of miles with a passenger smoking next to me and I am still here and perfectly healthy. So is she, by the way and we can both detect the hysteria bullshit wagon when it rolls by as a precursor to the smokefinder pursuivant’s visitation.

The British Medical Association says all smoking in cars should be banned.

Well, of course they do. What else would we expect from such extremists? At least now they are being honest about their aims. So far it has been smoking in a car with chiiiildeeeen! Now it is any car –  despite it being none of their damned business.

Currently, it is legal in the UK.

And so it fucking well should be. A car is private property. What goes on is a matter for the property owner. I am relaxed about people smoking in my vehicle. That is my concern, not that of the government, not that of the BMFuckingA and not that of the smokefinder pursuivant –  all of whom can take the rough end of a pineapple and stick where it will hurt the most.

It’s worth pointing out that these charlatans have also been playing fast and loose with their data. For example:

In 49 of the 85 journeys in total, the driver smoked up to four cigarettes.

During these 49 smoking journeys, levels of fine particulate matter averaged 85µg/m3, which is more than three times higher than the 25µg/m3 maximum safe indoor air limit recommended by the World Health Organization.

What they don’t shout about is this:

PM2.5 concentrations

Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics of the mean and maximum PM2.5 found during smoking and non-smoking journeys, while Figure 1 shows the time-weighted average (TWA) PM2.5 for each journey, by participant. PM2.5 concentrations in 3 of the non-smoking journeys exceeded the 25 ?g/m3 WHO guidance level for indoor air [16], while this occurred in all smoking journeys for between 11 and 100% of the journey time (53% of the time, on average).

Wasp’s Nest has been doing some digging on this –  worth a read. Suffice to say, this is the overture to banning smoking on private property by the smokefinder pursuivant and the cohorts of darkness.

Finally, let me say this to the anti-smoking brigade so that we are absolutely clear. My car, my rules, so fuck the fuck off, okay.



  1. Go along to Tavistock Square.

    Go in and say you just want to have a look round to make sure there’s no hanky-panky going on anywhere. No need to be more specific.

    I think you’ll find they are just as protective about their private property rights as you are about yours.

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