Inside the Mind of the Troll

Following on from Gawker’s expose of Violentacrez last week, Atlantic have published this heavyweight academic analysis of what exactly is going on in the mind of the “self-identifying trolls”

Given my experience, I would be inclined to suggest that it’s a case of empty vessels…

That’s assuming we are talking about trolls and not hackers, bullies, cyber-stalkers and general fuckwits, that is.


  1. Trolls – proper trolls that is – remind me of the Duchess’s child in Alice in Wonderland

    And with that she
    began nursing her child again, singing a sort of
    lullaby to it as she did so, and giving it a vio­
    lent shake at the end of every line: — —
    “Speak roughly to your little boy,
    And beat him when he sneezes;
    He only does it to annoy,
    Because he knows it teases.”CHORUS
    (in which the cook and the baby joined): — — “Wow! wow! wow!”While the Duchess sang the second verse of
    the song, she kept tossing the baby violently up
    and down, and the poor little thing howled so,
    that Alice could hardly hear the words: — —
    “I speak severely to my boy,
    I beat him when he sneezes;
    For he can thoroughly enjoy
    The pepper when he pleases!” CHORUS”Wow! wow! wow!”

  2. Your last category, “general fuckwits” is, alas, only too common.
    One wonders why thes things are allowed to breed … Oops!

    • It certainly applies to the Dickie Doubleday troll who was plaguing the liberal blogs during the summer. Gone now, thank goodness. Dealt with using the usual formula of ignore, delete and ban.

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