There’s an Answer to That

The Government has introduced laws that would force councils to hold a referendum if they wish to increase the levy by more than 3.5 per cent.

However, some local authorities are typically proposing increases at just below the “referendum-trigger” threshold.

Well, duh! Whodathunkit? Clearly, Pickles needs to up his game and force the bastards to hold a referendum if they want to make any increase. Given that they are fond of wasting our money, let them ask for every penny and have to cut their chief executives’ generous pay packets when we say “no”.


  1. But but but people will accept rises ‘cos of all these nasty “cuts”.

    Bugger the fact they haven’t got a frickin’ clue wot their council spends any money on in the first place.

  2. A Swiss-style half-direct democracy with local referendums for council tax rises would sort the buggers out.

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