Actually, Yes

Yes, yes, it is.

François Hollande has been criticised for having multimillionaire ministers – is that consistent with socialist values?

That’s precisely what I would expect of socialists. The whole philosophy is centered on the we know what is best for the lumpen proletariat. The “we” being the great and the good –  François Hollande being an example. Someone who is prepared to rape other peoples wallets to fund his spending; the politics of envy and greed. That’s what socialists do –  spend other peoples money, believing in their arrogance that they know best how it should be spent. And, of course, they then proceed to piss it up the wall, bankrupting the country as a consequence.

It’s a deeply nasty philosophy that has failed every time it has been tried, leaving behind a trail littered with debt. Yet still we get people thinking that it is okay. All too often those who have enough funds stashed away so that they are immune from the effects of their toxic ideology that they are all too willing to impose on others –  for their own good, of course. So, yeah, the French are right to despise the gauche caviar. I despise them too.

It is understandable that the young fall for this ideology with its patina of caring, sharing social conscience. Those of us who grow up see the dark heart that lies beneath and eschew it for the poison that it is.


  1. Recently I was reading about the US government proposing something called a Robin Hood Tax. I thought that at least they were being partially honest by admitting that they were robbing the rich to give to the poor, robbing being the significant word, as in theft. But then I started to consider the Robin Hood story and the fact that it was excessive taxation that Robin Hood was fighting against.

    On another blog I brought up a quote, that may or may not have been attributed to Margaret Thatcher, that socialist governments always run out of other people’s money. Another commenter provided a link to an interview that MT gave in 1976, that contained the following quote:

    “I think they’ve made the biggest financial mess that any government’s ever made in this country for a very long time, and Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They always run out of other people’s money. It’s quite a characteristic of them.”

    She could just have well have been talking about Brown and Blair.

    • Robin Hood was taking the taxes back and giving it to the people it was stolen from in the first place. The whole concept of a Robin Hood tax is a grave insult. But, then, Robin Hood is just a legend.

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