Jumping the Shark

A Roman Catholic school called in a gay rights group to give staff lessons in how to stop homophobic bullying after a five-year-old boy called another pupil’s shoes “gay”.

It’s almost laughable –  except, it’s happening. There is no such thing as homophobia. A phobia is an irrational and intense fear and hatred; calling someone’s shoes “gay” is not homophobia, neither is it bullying. A phobia is a clinical condition. Indeed, much of what passes for homophobia would, in a sane world, be described as dislike. Dislike is not a phobia, neither is disapproval, nor, for that matter is repugnance, as none of these things constitutes a clinical condition. And, in a liberal, civilised society, we would be allowed to express dislike and disapproval freely without the screeching harridans of the equality brigade demanding that we apologise for offending someone with paper thin skin –  or, worse, calling in the egregious Stonewall to sort matters out.

The school is now the first and only Catholic primary school in the country to be listed as a Stonewall “Primary School Champion” of gay equality.

Jeebus! That shark got well and truly jumped.


    • You’ve not come across that expression before? Google is your friend. The idea of Catholics getting into bed with Stonewall is just too delicious…

  1. The child that is born on the Sabbath Day is bonny and blithe, good and gay. 😆

  2. So children can no longer do what kids have always done, take the piss out of each other.
    It really is time that the grown ups grew up.

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