Liberal Democrat? I Don’t Think So

Of course, I am being mildly facetious here. The Liberal Democrats have long since demonstrated that their moniker is an outright lie –  they are certainly not remotely liberal and given their fawning obsession with the EU autocracy, are not democratic either. However, every so often, a case highlights their totalitarian tendencies.

A bid to make smoking in vehicles when children are present illegal has been launched by an MSP.

South of Scotland Liberal Democrat MSP Jim Hume wants to introduce a members bills at the Scottish Parliament which would bring in a ban.

Yup, this piece of slime wants to ban consumption of a legal substance on private property –  because a car is private property after all. The smokers I know don’t light up near children anyway. Indeed, most of them don’t light up near others they know not to partake of their habit. They tend on the whole to be polite and courteous –  unlike the nasty little puritans who would impose their health fascism on everyone else, like it or not.

He has opened a public consultation on his proposals which he says would safeguard the rights of children.

This has got nothing to do with safeguarding the rights of children and everything to do with harassing law abiding citizens in their own private space. It is a puritan crusade and this ban is just another step towards a total ban –  without which, these people will not be satisfied. Of course, should they get it –  and the consequential illegal trade that will go with it –  they will simply move onto the next target on their hit list –  alcohol, dairy products, salt, fat, red meats and so on. Because, you see, if they win this one, they will be back –  they always come back, like the hideous monster at the end of a horror film that just won’t die –  and it will be all smoking in cars, then it will be smoking in the home and so on.

Several health organisations back the ban but a smokers’ campaign group said the law would be unenforceable.

Indeed. Just this morning I saw a chap driving while talking on a hand-held mobile phone. Yet there is a law against it. Doesn’t he know this? Why didn’t it stop him? That’s just it, laws don’t stop people. They make a risk assessment and balance the risk of getting caught against the convenience. The same will apply to smoking in cars. People will do it. Sooner or later, enough people will be sufficiently pissed off with this constant infringement of our liberties by the temperance movement that a groundswell will refuse to comply. Laws in that instance become meaningless.

In 2011, a Scottish study suggested air quality inside a smoker’s car was comparable to industrial smog in cities such as Beijing or Moscow – even when the driver had windows open.

And it was the usual junk science. And as expected, the “impartial” BBC repeated its absurd claims verbatim.


  1. “…that a groundswell will refuse to comply…”

    …and back up that refusal with pointy-ended things*, perchance?

    *Pointy-ended things, because our ruling élite removed our right to possess things which went “Bang” at one end:- an unarmed populace being much less of a threat to them and easier to control. Shame they didn’t seem to give the same priority to disarming the criminal element. That is, the criminal element OUTSIDE the Palace of Westminster…

  2. Mea Culpa…

    Barbs are essential.

    You’re quite correct and have obviously given the matter some consideration…

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