Trayvesty of Justice?

No, frankly.

The facts, so far as we have been made aware, are that Trayvon Martin was where he shouldn’t have been –  i.e. he was trespassing. Zimmerman confronted him and called the police. The subsequent altercation resulted in Martin assaulting Zimmerman, banging his head against the kerb. Fearing for his life, Zimmerman shot and killed his assailant. Okay, that’s a very bare-boned version of events, but that is the sequence that has come out in court and has been confirmed by both defence and prosecution witnesses.

The race mongers of the left have decided that this was a race crime. Yet, even after having decided that there was no case to answer, and being forced to pursue the matter, the police and prosecution could not construct a case for murder that could withstand the scrutiny of a jury. Concealed carry is legal in Florida, so Martin should have considered the possibility that Zimmerman was carrying. That he did not do so was down to him. He could have behaved differently, he didn’t.

There is nothing in this case to suggest that race was a factor, yet still, the race-mongers are not satisfied. Zimmerman has been acquitted by a jury –  and rightly so. The prosecution case did not prove beyond reasonable doubt that murder had been committed. For the left, because Martin was black, different rules of evidence apply. What we are seeing is the mob baying for blood, (not justice, for justice has been served) and it is deeply unpleasant. Two million years of evolution and we still have the mob mentality in our hearts.

Über-racist Gary Younge has it all sussed, of course. He is claiming that it is open season on black boys. Hyperbole doesn’t even begin to describe his nasty, dire diatribe of racist mouth-frothing. And bugger the evidence, he knows best and Zimmerman should have been convicted on what Gary knows:

Let it be noted that on this day, Saturday 13 July 2013, it was still deemed legal in the US to chase and then shoot dead an unarmed young black man on his way home from the store because you didn’t like the look of him.

Fuck me, that’s some arse-dribble right there. Never mind that following the challenge, Martin attacked Zimmerman and was banging his head on the pavement. Frankly, I don’t think I would like the look of someone who was doing that to me. However, living in the UK, I don’t have the luxury of shooting such a thug, I would have to either die or suffer brain damage waiting for the police to arrive.

None of this was helped by that turd in the White House claiming that if he had a son, he would have looked like Trayvon Martin. Well, only if he had fucked Martin’s mother, the disgusting little attention seeking, racist publicity whore.

Still, undeterred by the law doing precisely what it is supposed to do –  collect the evidence and make a judgement based upon that evidence (and nothing but the fucking evidence), the race-mongers aren’t happy. But, then, they are never happy. Despite Zimmerman now being financially ruined defending himself against a charge that should never have been brought (which in itself is an outrage), these scumbags now want to pursue him through the civil courts. They want a “civil rights” action, FFS!

This is double jeopardy by the back door. The law got the “wrong” verdict, so they will chase after the accused and persecute him until it gets the “right” verdict. Never mind little trifles such as evidence.

Of course, all of this is a convenient Trojan Horse for gun control, just you wait and see.

How long before the left tries to convince us that the verdict was reached because the jury was racist?

These people are vile scum, there are no other words to describe them.

This case was a tragedy. Zimmerman made a terrible error of judgement, but it was not murder and there is no evidence that any of it was racially motivated –  only that which exists in the deranged minds of the race-mongers with an axe to grind and two fish suppers on each shoulder.


  1. That Younge piece was put up yesterday and then hastily yanked, to reappear with corrections. It’s still nasty, appeal-to-the-mob, race hustling. As we have come to expect from him.

  2. Superbly put. The libtards collectively fucked up here. Nobody did any fact-checking, it seems; they thought they’d stumbled across The Great White Defendant (“Zimmerman!!”) when they hadn’t. The “boy” was a 5ft 11in man, and it’s beginning to look like he was far from the model student/citizen he has been made out to be. It may well be that he was genuinely lost (he was visiting the area; he lived in Dade County, an area where the schools have their own police department), or he may have been up to no good. The can of iced tea and and packet of sweets might have been good cover (“I’m not from round here. Been to the shop for my brother and got lost, man”). Nobody reported him missing- his father was not at the house but how come the supposed recipient of the sweeties didn’t raise the alarm?

    All the eye-witness and forensic evidence supported Zimmerman’s story, so there was your reasonable doubt right there. He might well have been an officious, over-zealous little twat with a gun, but there is only the sketchiest of circumstantial evidence that tells us how the confrontation might have come about.

    As a former criminal lawyer, I would say that this prosecution was always doomed to fail. Some have commented upon the egregious behaviour of the judge towards the defence, and said this was evidence of a politically-motivated trial. Maybe; on the other hand, the judge might well have thought “Guilty or not guilty, I certainly can’t win politically so I’m going to make damn sure there are grounds for appeal here. Let somebody else take the flak”.

    And as for the reaction of the libtards…. Jesus H. Christ on a little fucking pink tricycle.

    • it is of course entirely possible that Martin had taken a wrong turning. When challenged, all he had to do was await the arrival of the police and then sort it out.

      It is also interesting to see some of the rabid anti-American drivel on the Guardian’s comment pages. Interesting, that is, in the Chinese sense.

    • “The “boy” was a 5ft 11in man, and it’s beginning to look like he was far from the model student/citizen he has been made out to be”

      There have been unrelenting attempts to smear Martin’s reputation, by trying to portray him as a proto-gangster, yet the most that has come out is that he smoked pot and was suspended from school for it, a crime that David Cameron has also admitted to! We are told that Martin was “no saint”. Is sainthood now required for the protection of the law? It reminds me of the de Menezes affair, where the victim was accused of being a rapist, a drug addict and an illegal immigrant to reduce public sympathy for him. Looks like these attacks have also had the desired effect here. The killer walks away with a smug smile on his face.

      “He might well have been an officious, over-zealous little twat with a gun, but there is only the sketchiest of circumstantial evidence that tells us how the confrontation might have come about”

      Yeah, well your man wasted the only other person who could have told us. Convenient, huh?

      • No, Stephen, a bit more than just ‘smoking a little pot’. I suggest you read up on this case. Don’t rely on the MSM.

      • Those baying for Zimmerman’s blood are trying to make out that Martin was some kind of saint. He wasn’t. he attacked Zimmerman and was beating his head against the pavement. That’s a pretty serious assault.

        Yeah, well your man wasted the only other person who could have told us. Convenient, huh?

        Well, that’s what happens when you assault someone who has the means of defending themselves in a state that allows concealed carry. My sympathy is somewhat limited and I have even less for the scum who are trying to make this into some sort of racist cause célèbre.

  3. XX “The can of iced tea and and packet of sweets might have been good cover…” XX

    Or more likely, an attack of the munchies, after a LOOOONG smoke.

  4. The anti-racist zealots are simply following the same path as the anti-smoking zealots – it’s become a religion from whose path they are determined not to stray and, in many cases, their sole raison d’etre. Of course, all the “effnik” minorities like it, because it gives them a socially- and State-approved excuse to do precisely as they like and get away with it by screaming “racism” whenever they are caught out, and the “non-effnik” types like it because it gives them a “cause” to fight for which gives them a lovely, warm glow because they can show how right-on and equality-minded they are (rarely, of course, do they see it as the patronising do-gooding that it actually is). I guess that’s the thing about any “officially-approved” opinions, though, isn’t it? You’ll always get some people who will take advantage of it for their own good, and you’ll always get some people for whom it becomes their sole means of showing what “good” people they are. Which, when you think about it, is actually rather sad …

  5. It is pretty nauseating. What would have happened had it been a white kid? You’d probably have to read the transcripts of the trial as I’m sure it wouldn’t have been spread all over the media.

    I do hope the US can defend double jeopardy more effectively than the political pygmies did here.

  6. the fact that the prosecution hid so much evidence and even tried to make out Martin was a choir boy of 11 rather than a 6 foot football player and built like a brick privy got me, and how dare Obama say “If I had a son he would be just like Treyvvon Martin!” what a fool he is!

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