
Following the horns of a dilemma, I’ve made a decision. Mrs L isn’t too happy about it but one of my motorcycling colleagues nailed it yesterday when I was talking to him. He said “what does your gut say?”

My gut said “no.” So no, it is.


  1. Yes, go with gut feeling. In the past I’ve taken jobs where the head has said yes, but the heart no, and ended up regretting it. And there’s much to be said for remaining something of a free spirit…

    • I think I knew this all along. This time the decision was difficult because the job was one I could do easily and I like the company. Saying no didn’t come easy.

  2. You have my sympathies (about the dilemma). The only thing worse than failing to get a job is being offered a job, for then comes the agony of decision.

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