Nine Years.

Whodathunkit? When I started wibbling away nine years ago that I’d still be here.

Anyway, I thought I’d dig in the archives for one post from each year.

2004 ID Cards, remember those?

2005 My BMW suddenly became obsolete. Now, finally, I’m going to be in a position to buy another one and that will be obsolete. Looks like a liquid cooled version come March.

2006 ID cards were still rumbling on.

2007 The MSM don’t like the blogging boys.

2008 The move to France.

2009 The dangerous idiocy of the Guardianista continues apace.

2010 A new government looks much like the old one. Nannying becomes nudging.

2011 Our French life comes to an end.

2012 I return to my roots and rediscover an old love.

2013 The politicians still try to control everything we do, so nothing changes.

Picking nine examples out of the archives is an impossible task, frankly, but these few, picked at random are an example of the years I’ve been doing this and the changes both at home and in the wider world. It’s been an interesting journey made all the more so with the contribution of those who take the time to comment and engage. Thankyou all.


    • Neither. The battlefields may be different, but the enemy is still there – the politicians, the bureaucrats, the fake charities, single issue pressure groups and quangos all lining up to steal our liberties. We won a battle with ID cards, but the war wages ever on.

  1. This is a really good idea LR I so wish I still had all my blogs from way back when, just so I could steal this idea and use it.
    Sadly my blogging days prior to last year were mainly on MSN Spaces and as you are no doubt aware that is now defunct. The other medium I used was Terrapad but when I started working full time I didn’t have time to keep it up what with work, children dogs and a very difficult and demanding husband. Previously all my blogging had been done during daylight hours and mr abuse on a stick never even knew I was a blogger. So all my prior Blogs are lost to history ……mind you that could be a good thing ;).
    But I would be quite fascinated to look back at them and see how things have changed and how my style and approach has altered.
    I shall return later in the day when I have a quiet few to read your back catalogue.

  2. “2005 My BMW suddenly became obsolete”

    Heaven knows what you’d make of my 1979 R65…

    Mind you it’s in a pretty sorry state now, having gathered dust in my friends barn for 10 years or more. I wonder what it’s worth?

  3. Nine years is a lot of blogging for a very consistent and highly readable blog – congratulations. I particularly like the 2007 post – still very relevant.

      • And whilst we are ruled by a bunch of self-serving hypocritical chancers who are, admittedly otherwise unemployable, it will continue to be relevant.

        More power to your elbow, LR:- and a pox and a plague upon the “élite”.

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