First World Problems

If you can find the energy to get worked up over an advert for stock cubes and write an article in the Guardian about it to let everyone know how outraged you are, there ain’t much going on to complain about. Even the usually supportive CiFers give this author a roasting. As one of them says early on, his outrage meter simply isn’t registering and Knorr is mine.


  1. Oh my life, the comments were nearly as funny as the article itself. I loved the general attitude of the commenters about this womans stupidity. Bloody hilarious. I especially liked this one “Sorry, no, no outrage here or a feeling of disrespect. Someone made up a dish and got it stupidly wrong but other than mild annoyance from this Anglo-Jamaican sorry dear, that’s about it.” someone else commented that author is clearly one of these PC nut jobs who will find something to complain about. I tend to agree.
    I use Knorr they are knorrmally the bet. ho ho ho.

  2. OMG, I looked at the article and recognised the photo of the writer. Lola Okolosie. No, I don’t know her, but I do know that previous articles of her’s have had similar reception both from us right wing nutters and also the usual CiF lot. I can’t remember where it was, Tim Worstall’s I think. Looks like she’ll go a long way, the same way as the Guardian I hope. Down the drain.

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