Having Fun With People

The mind fuck is a wonderful game to play.

There I was at my client’s premises talking to one of the clerks as she was trying to find out just where my delegates had vanished to (they had been sent to the wrong location). As she walked across the office, she broke into a dance. laughing, she said, “Don’t mind me, I’m a bit odd.”

I smiled back and said that I didn’t mind one little bit as I do odd myself.

“Oh, do tell,” she said. So I waved my fingernails in front of her. Peering at them, her eyes opened wide. “Is that glitter?”


I watched the cogs turning as she thought this through. “Do you…?”

“Well,” I said, “You haven’t seen me in my eyeshadow and lippy.” In for  a penny, in for a pound and all that. By this time, her mouth was the same shape as her eyes. “Do you do the whole thing?”

“Oh, yes.” Grinning from ear to ear. Her face was priceless.

“Would you like to see a picture?” I asked.

“Oh, God, yes!”

Having seen the image on my mobile phone, she told me that she loved Rocky Horror – as well as my little black dress – and had tried to get her boyfriend into cross dressing, but he was resolutely refusing.

Now, at this point, whose mind was being fucked?


  1. I can’t say that I get off on cross dressing but I have done it for a laugh. I walked into a charity shop and said “I’m dragging up for a new year party and I need a nice frock” The ladies at the charity shop were very helpful and had a great time sorting me one out. I can’t say that I looked very feminine though, I don’t think that I would have fooled Crocodile Dundee.

    • I get a buzz out of swapping between the two. And, having a fairly feminine appearance to start with, I pass fairly easily. My only real problem is beard shadow.

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