Conservative Party SPAM

I’ve just been clearing out my SPAM folder. In it, I find an email from Tory HQ. I’ve no idea how they got my email address, but I’d have thought they would have realised that spamming people is not a good way to get them onside as it were. And, no, I won’t be voting for them and yes, my anti-spam software is working perfectly well.


  1. And, have you written a reply and posted it to them?

    If not, fucking tough.

    What do you exepect?

    (If you want I could write the reply for you…. 😀 )

  2. What a brilliant idea that would be FT! I wonder what would happen if everyone who received a spam email sent a lengthy reply. Trouble is that you would have to spam millions of people to get them to spam the spammers.

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