Who Needs Editors?

Clearly the Indie does

Argentina has threatened oil firms who wish to operate off the Falkland Islands with 15-year jail terms, fines and confiscations in a fresh salvo in the dispute with Britain over sovereignty.

Its London embassy announced the Argentine Congress has passed new laws to punish exploration it believes breeches a United Nations resolution.

The mistake was repeated twice, so someone is lacking a dictionary…

And they pay these people?


  1. The Indie along with a lot of the MSM seem to be in the running for what used to be the main provenance of the Guardian.
    Though the misuse and debasing of the language has been going on for a long while now.

  2. With regard to the story the BBC reports the Argentinian Government as saying, “These attempts are manifestly contrary to Resolution 31/49 of the United Nations General Assembly, which requires the UK and Argentina to refrain from taking decisions that would imply introducing unilateral modifications into the situation of the Malvinas Islands while the sovereignty dispute between the two countries is still pending.”

    Isn’t the action by Argentina a “unilateral modification” and by their own reasoning “manifestly contrary to Resolution 31/49”?

    • …and then take a holiday in Cypress? Yew know it makes sense. I’ll stop now, in case the dear readers are getting Sycamore tree puns…

      OK, I’ll get my coat…

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