Perhaps You Should Stop Thinking, Then

Actress Jennifer Lawrence has said she thinks “it should be illegal to call someone fat on TV”, after red carpet criticism of her own figure.

Okay, I agree, the comments are crass – and, frankly the obsession with weight is getting on my tits. But, no, it should not be illegal to say it – on television or anywhere else. That way thought-crime lies. And it takes some serious hard of thinking not to see that. Words are just words. We can choose to be offended or to ignore them.

Lawrence added: “I mean, if we’re regulating cigarettes and sex and cuss words, because of the effect they have on our younger generation, why aren’t we regulating things like calling people fat?”

We shouldn’t be regulating any of those things. Nothing to do with the state what we say, what we listen to and what we watch (the board of censors is high on my list of things that need to be abolished) and we already have far too many pettifogging laws designed to criminalise the inconsequential. No, words and opinions should most certainly not be illegal.


  1. You are quite right. I reserve the right to insult anyone I wish, in return they can insult me, and I will even go as far as restricting my insults to those who deserve them.

  2. She’s not a bad actress, but I find this appalling melancholic self pity by Lawrence quite insulting. Here is a woman who is hardly even a size 12 complaining about being stigmatised as “fat”

    Get over yourself and your self image problems, pet. You should try ACTUALLY BEING FAT and listening to it. What you are is f**king neurotic, self serving and if I might say rather thin skinned. Those are different problems to being ‘bullied’ or ‘abused’ for being fat.

  3. What she really means is ‘It should be illegal to call Jennifer Lawrence fat on TV’. Vacuous airhead (whoever she is).

  4. She appears to be mentally retarded as well as being fat.

    At least it is possible to lose weight. If you are a cretin, it’s rather harder to undo.

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