
Utter fucking cockwaffle. Piffle. Dreck. Prohibitionist nupuritan cack!

A single glass of wine or beer at the age of 14 can push a young teenager along the path to binge drinking, say scientists.

Are there no depths to which these charlatans will not plunge?

My parents took the French approach to alcohol and young people. They introduced my siblings and I to alcohol in our pre-teens. A glass of wine or cider on special occasions.We were encouraged to taste it and realise that we should drink it in moderation. Therefore, there was no hidden frisson about alcohol – for it was not forbidden. I have never indulged in binge drinking. I have never been drunk, nor wanted to.

I’ve been teetotal since I was nineteen. So, yes, this “research” (read junk science) is pure unadulterated nonsense. These people really are utter scum.


  1. Christ, that’s terrible.

    Out of all these people in the blogosphere, I was really looking forward to a beer with you.

    Aside from that, the DT is rapidly becoming the DM. Look at the wimmin’s articles, gaze upon their Chavball coverage. Hardly the thing that company directors and retired Colonels read.

    Add in a bunch of utterly useless so-called academics and away we go. I hope that they enjoy their grey, dictatorial lives until they end up in nappies filled with their own filth, disowned by their families and bereft of the control of their own bodies.

    It is a sign of the decadence of our times that people such as Schumann and Garavan are considered academics
    when they are just cheap copies of Mr Mackey from South Park – “Alcohol is baaaad, m’kay?”. And it is a disgrace that they can put any food on their tables from public funds.

    I don’t get paid for wanking, why should they, for their pearls of wisdom?

    • Christ, that’s terrible.

      Out of all these people in the blogosphere, I was really looking forward to a beer with you.

      By the time I was nineteen, I realised that I was never going to develop a taste for it, so stopped bothering to try. There is no ideological reason for my abstinence, just taste – or the lack thereof.

  2. But isn’t this just another example of a single-issue health lobby group lifting one of the little gems of the anti-smoking movement and claiming it for their own on an “it worked for them – why not for us?” basis.

    Who doesn’t remember, for example, “no safe level of tobacco smoke,” or “just a single cigarette will cause harm your health,” or “as addictive as heroin,” or the old mantra that “most smokers start smoking in their teens” (the insinuation being that they were incapable of deciding for themselves, because they were just cheeeeldren)?

    Ho, hum. They have sooooo little imagination, these zealots.

  3. They don’t need any imagination. Most people read this twaddle and not have enough brain cells functioning to recognise it for the crap it is so it works.

    Of course there is overuse and people are starting to think but not enough of them atm.

    We should start making lists of these wankers and when the tide turns we can turn them into compost … sorry into plod for re-education.

  4. My case was like a mirror image of yours LR, my parents were Methodists and looked upon alcohol with mild disapproval. When I got old enough to go in the pubs I became a pretty typical idiotic teenaged pisshead. Once I got involved in the Karate scene I stopped drinking altogether for about ten years or so. Now I enjoy a few beers now and then but always in moderation.

    At the age of 55 I think that it is important to keep in shape and look after myself but I’m not prepared to suck every single drop of joy out of life to do it.

  5. “I hope that they enjoy their grey, dictatorial lives until they end up in nappies filled with their own filth, disowned by their families and bereft of the control of their own bodies.”

    Fabulous, Rothmans. May I learn this off by heart, so I can direct it towards those I most despise, and then pretend that I made it up myself? Pleeeese!

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