
Despite the pleading going on this past few days, this morning’s news was predictable, really.

A video purporting to show UK hostage Alan Henning being beheaded has been released by Islamic State militants.

Is anyone surprised by this news?  Anyone? I’ve said it before, but I’ll repeat it; he shouldn’t have gone. Not just because he was putting himself in harm’s way, but because getting taken by these people provides a propaganda coup for them. They’ve been enjoying this at the expense of Henning’s family and friends. If they think it discomforts the UK government, then maybe but only peripherally.

This is  one area I find that I am in full agreement with the  state – make the most of it – do not negotiate. Indeed, do nothing beyond diplomatic efforts to obtain a release. For the moment we enter into negotiations, we have given ground and encourage more hostage taking. Alan Henning was dead the moment they took him.

So, the best thing is not to go. If you have to go, don’t get taken alive, for alive you become a bargaining chip and a nice little propaganda video – not to mention drawn out pleading for mercy that keeps the hostage takers at the top of the news agenda.

So, yes, I’m sad for Henning and his family. But he really should have stayed at home. Some risks are worth taking, some are not. This one was always going to be the latter.


  1. You can’t negotiate with these fanatics. We need to send them off quickly to their version of Valhalla/Paradise and do it repeatedly until the graveyards groan; and do it some more. I wonder how these Islamic militants would stand up prior to having their heads sawn off. The Western world needs to wake up and deal with these people, but only in blood.

  2. You’re quite right – Henning was never going to make it. Why can’t the Americans give loads of money to the Russians to get them to send loadsa arms to the Kurds? It’s only the Kurds that are going to roll over these IS cunts. Nobody else is willing or able to do it.

    Alternatively, we could just nuke the bastards… 😈

  3. I agree wholeheartedly with all you have written, Longrider. Sadly, this man’s good intentions were misplaced and what happened a consequence he must be expected to have allowed for.

  4. At the risk of sounding heartless what has annoyed me is the way the family have come out in the press today “blaming” the Government for not saving him.

    Apparently ISIS should have released him unharmed because he has two small children. I say it was Henning’s responsibility to consider that before he went on his crusade to Syria – those kids would have a Dad now if he had been less selfish and there is no way to dress that truth up otherwise.

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