That’s Easy

I know which side I’m on. The one every reasonable person is on.

The couple’s celebrity status adds fuel to the blaze, as well as Alamuddin Clooney’s status as a high flyer in her own right. As a broad generalisation, the two sides boil down to “that’s patriarchal nonsense in obvious need of rejection” and “leave her alone, it’s none of your goddamn business”.

The latter, of course. It is no one else’s business no matter what the extreme feminists might argue. My sister chose to keep her own surname. No one batted an eyelid. Mrs L chose to take mine. No one batted an eyelid. Both women made their own decisions – being adults an’ all.


  1. It must be terrible being a woman. After your third or fourth marriage it must get really tedious repeatedly changing your name.

    ‘A rose by any other name would smell as sweet’ so Mrs D tells me… 😉

  2. …and my best beloved kept her surname mostly because changing all records with NHS, DVLC etc. ad infinitum, ad nauseam seemed such a faff when we had far more important things to do.

    I wasn’t in the least bit bothered, and have continually been amused and bemused ever since by those who view it as some sort of subliminal aversion to commitment (17 years later) – or some such pseudo-psychobabble.

    I generally tell them “That’s bollocks – we just couldn’t be arsed with the faffery” and they do look so crestfallen…

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