In A Word…


The Band Aid single was crap the first time. It won’t have matured like a fine wine,  so will still be crap and I won’t buy it just as I didn’t buy it then. Geldof can exhort me to part with my money, but it ain’t gonna happen, just as it didn’t last time and the time before that. I don’t give to Africa and I’m not about to start. If Geldof and his celebrity chums think that giving is such a good idea, they can dip their hands into their own pockets instead  of trying to guilt trip us.

“It really doesn’t matter if you don’t like this song, it really doesn’t matter if you hate all the artists. What you have to do is buy this thing,” Geldof said.

No, I don’t and I won’t. I have never indulged in the celebfest charity records bollocks; red nose day, children in need, sport relief or the original live aid and never will. If I want to give to a charity, I’ll  do so as and when I see fit to one of my choosing (i.e. does not take taxpayers’ money).  And it won’t have anything to do with Africa.


  1. Just added this pile of steaming shite to the queue on “…is a cunt” with an appropriate graphic of course…

    “Do they know it’s Christmas”? Of course not, Geldof. They’re bloody muslims, you twat!

  2. …and I hate the way they force my grandchildren to join in with that Children in Need bollocks. It’s brainwashing, it’s demeaning and it’s downright bloody unacceptable in my book!

    What was it the Kaflics used to say? “Get ’em young enough and you’ve got ’em for life!” Appalling!

  3. This is the same bloody song? For the fourth time?? But recorded by even worse fourth rate artists??? Geldof is barely a one hit wonder, all his money came from the Breakfast TV franchise. If he was a true hands on caring human being, perhaps his ex wife and daughter would still be alive…

  4. The only way I give to Africa is by buying things off them. Trade not aid is what Africa needs. We should exploit Africans just like we exploited China. It worked so well for China that they are looking to Africa for their cheap labour.

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