If I Were King for a Day

I’d tell you to go fuck yourself.

The ban on private cars extends to motorcycles and minicabs.

Jon Snow is just another vile authoritarian. It is none of his damned business how people get about, but as is usual with such cunts they like to wave the big ban stick. So if we were unlucky enough to have Snow as king for a day, I would make a point of getting the motorcycle out and going for a ride.


  1. Oh right, that’s nice. Ban things that are designed to move disabled people around town. Blind bicyclists, wheelchairs weaving about amongst them, chaos! Every bleeding heart in the country will get the bike-ban-meme.

  2. What a fuckwit
    All forms of transport have their place.
    And their time (of day or week)
    “Horses for courses” is the motto.
    I love trains & use them when I possibly can, but I also walk, I have a bicycle & a car (An LWB Land-Rover)
    I use each form (oh & buses, too!) as I feel appropriate at the time.

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