Pornographic Trojan Horse

Further to my comments about  the recent censorship of porn made in the UK, Myles Jackman suggests that this is merely the first salvo in something much more worrying. More worrying even than an unelected group of prurient busybodies censoring what we watch.

Put simply, what he is proposing are financial sanctions. It looks like an unelected quango is gearing up to impose foreign financial sanctions, by utilising unelected bankers to decline payments to foreign jurisdictions, based on a selective interpretation of the unelected CPS’ Guidelines on the OPA, drafted in collaboration with unelected film censors at the BBFC.

This is a spectacularly dangerous precedent.

Dangerous indeed. And, because it is only niche porn being affected, the vast majority won’t care. And they will continue not caring until it is they who are affected by the puritan uprising. By then, it will be  too  late.


  1. Unelected quangos must all die! They should all have been burned 4 years ago. I wonder why they haven’t been scrapped? It would save billions of quid. Who has the pictures I wonder?

    • “…Who has the pictures I wonder?..”

      Well for a start, those who receive huge amounts of money for sitting on quangos (or those pulling their strings). This is, and always will be, all about control.

      We are less free than we were 100 years ago and the illusion of democracy foisted upon us by an arrogant ruling élite still fools most of the populace. But then the “Bread & Circuses” approach perfected in Rome two millenia or so ago has continued to work successfully since.

  2. Exactly my thoughts on the matter (in addition to ones you expressed in your other post, i.e. that the state should have no business in the private activities of consenting adults and less still in prescribing morality). The instant I heard about this the “trojan horse” alarm went off in my head.

    Like everything else it seems, it’s all about control, money, and – in the case of the sad individuals pushing such BS initiatives – projection of their own ugly psychologies onto society at large.

  3. Quangos fulfill several useful functions for politicians. They can offload blame to them and use their whining and special pleading as an excuse for taking unpopular action. They can use appointments as rewards for favours and gifts for colleagues and friends. Ultimately they will provide a future cushy job for themselves when the electorate finally get rid of them.
    Quangos aren’t going to be given up without a fight.

  4. Sounds like they are borrowing from the US where .gov has been known to pressure financial service providers in to denying (or closing) accounts to sex workers.

  5. “It was as if the all the wall of the houses in Geneva had been turned into glass”
    Sound familiar?
    Do we really have to go through all of this again?
    Too late for Scotland, of course, the Presbyterian/Nazi block wardens are being readied to snoop into the lives of every parent there, even as I type this.
    Remember Thomas Aikenhead.

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