He Wasn’t a Terrorist

He was a very naughty boy.

The Sydney siege has brought to attention the very real threat of attacks by lone actors.

In this case, the lone gunman at the centre of the siege stormed into a coffee shop in Sydney’s central business district (CBD) and took hostages. Shortly after, he ordered hostages to fly a flag in the window that bears the Islamic testimony to faith, suggesting that this incident may have been ideologically or politically motivated. Looking back at the tragic events of the past 24 hours and with new information about the perpetrator, who we know now to be Man Haron Monis, is it right to classify this as a terrorist attack motivated by the global jihadist movement and the Islamic State (Isis)?

Simple  answer; yes. That  was precisely what it was. This vile creature was waging his crusade(sic) against his host country – a country that gave him succour when he fled Iran – in the name of the shitty  religion that made the country he fled from such a cesspit. Islam. So, let’s be clear, here, this was all about Islam and nothing else. Islam means submission and if we in the west won’t submit, then these people would like to make us submit – using a pump-action shotgun if necessary. To try to dress this as anything else is to insult those who died (with the exception of the perpetrator – insult that monster as much as you please)

It is always interesting to see the left’s somersaults of logic in their attempts to deny the obvious. Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of conquest. It always was. Nutters such as Monis are merely being true to their paedophile prophet. Convert or die. Apologists such as Ann Aly, in seeking to try to distance Monis’ behaviour from that of his ideology merely marks her out as a useful idiot.


  1. …Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of conquest…

    It would almost certainly be more apt to say Islam was founded as a political system of conquest, dressed up in a twisted distorted version of Judaism simply to allow its vicious creed to be spread more readily through the populace at the time.

  2. Mostly the questions being asked on this side of the world are why a man suspected of the murder of his wife, who was known to have written abusive letters to the dependence of killed Australian soldiers, who was a known sexual predator, was out on bail and/or hadn’t been thrown out of the country previously.

  3. This was probably a response to calls for more lone-wolf attacks, thus reducing the risk of exposure of detailed and organised plots carried out by terrorist cells. Ideal for the thicker nutters. And to incite white reprisals against less nutty Muslims, which is the main intention.

  4. “Islam” means “submission” – officially to their version of the non-existent BigSkyFairy.
    Actually, he was a standard religious nutter, who happened to be a muslim.
    For a real body-count try the christian Timothy McVeigh.

    • Ah the usual citing of one off’s to justify Greg’s christianophobia. Mass murders by people using Christianity as justification can be counted more or less on the fingers of one hand. Whereas with Islam it’s more or less commonplace. As ever you’re trying to compare chalk with cheese.

    • Greg, you are an A Grade Russell Brand [i.e. complete an utter tosser]. Why not argue Timothy McVeigh was a “standard religious nutter, who happened to be a Christian”? The simple reality is that people the world over are finding in Islam a justification for the wholesale slaughter of innocents. Are the Taliban just standard religious nutters, who happened to be muslims? Are Boko Haran just standard religious nutters, who happened to be muslims? Are IS jihadists in Syria and Iraq just standard religious nutters, who happened to be muslims? No, the lot of them are evil, just as their prophet Mohammed was evil. The world needs to wake up to the fact that we can have civilisation and freedom or we can have Islam, but you cannot have them both for they are mutually exclusive.

  5. I saw some interesting links on Crusader Rabbit which showed an open letter written by Monis to Barry O’bama. This letter demanded that he admits to being Muslim, either that or he is apostate. Subsequently Monis issued a fatwa against the POTUS. So we’re being told that he’s not a religious nutter? Interestingly, I just read elsewhere that the Pope has criticised the media for telling only half of a story, or concealing the truth. It’s always nice to know that the Roman Church is girding it’s loins.

  6. ” Mass murders by people using Christianity as justification can be counted more or less on the fingers of one hand.”

    In modern times perhaps. Christianity had a long and grizzly history of mass murder behind it before it was de-fanged by modernity.

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