Offenderati of the Day

While it’s true that Katie Hopkins is extremely annoying, it is also true that in general, she annoys all the right people. Now she has been reported to the police.

Ms Szrodecki is later shown speaking on the phone, reportedly to the police, saying she would like to report Hopkins’ “personally offensive” behaviour.

This is what we have sunk to. Someone is offended and they genuinely see it as a police matter. Worryingly, much more worryingly, so do the police. Freedom of speech died in this country. For, without the freedom to offend, there is no freedom of speech. It matters not how mild we are, sooner or later someone, somewhere will be offended by what we say. Now that is a hate crime for everyone must pass through this life shielded from offence (unless you are “right-wing” in which case anything goes).

The correct response to Ms Szrodecki is to tell her to fuck off in no uncertain terms and to advise her in which oversized orifice she can stick her offence, but it ain’t gonna happen is it?


      • Well as I find their their presence offensive, can I expect Plod to investigate & remove them?

        Hmm.. thought not.

          • I’m a white, straight, happily married, gainfully employed male of late middle-age, born in England of traditional English parents, so I suppose I am an identity group:- just one that is ignored and viewed with contempt by the powers-that-be.

  1. I am not a great one for sport but causing offense is my sport, seems now I am to be denied that small pleasure too.
    So not only am I a criminal for enjoying a cigarette I am also a criminal for being offensive.
    It strikes me that the twat who complained does not even sound very Scottish!!! With a name like Szrodecki she sounds Eastern European but then they had a vote in the referendum if they lived in Scotland, the bloody worlds gone mad.
    Seems like 2015 is already another year to make me wish I was pushing up the daisies.

    • Kath, there’s nowt wrong with causing offence as long as the right arseholes are offended…

  2. A petition on to have her charged has garnered 24699 signatures. That’s 24699 authoritarian little shits the world would not miss if they dropped dead from Ebola.

    And if the Jock plod has time to waste investigating this, then there is obviously considerable scope for spending cuts, which could reduce the amount that the English are taxed to subsidise the jocks.

  3. Of course should one call up plod to complain that a chav, sorry vulnerable member of society, has just threatened to come round your house and stab you in the face, they will, understandably be somewhat reticent in pursuing the matter to a satisfactory conclusion. After all the vulnerable young person didn’t follow through on their threat (yet) did they?

    Quite rightly they’re focussing on crimes where real, actual harm has been done. Those crimes where people’s feelings have been hurt, sometime beyond repair (by words at least, cash usually does the trick).

    A few examples:

    What right does anyone have to call a 22 stone person fat? That’ll hurt their feelings! CRIME!

    What right does anyone have to make an off colour joke about a tragedy? If a person that is in some way vaguely related to the tragedy (for example by having watched the news report about it) happens to be scouring Twitter for off colour jokes about said tragedy and then happens to read and reread the off colour joke, that person could quite easily feel sad. CRIME!

    What right does someone have to disagree rationally and calmly with a person’s sincerely held lunatic beliefs about fairness/equality/global warming/sky fairies/etc. Disagreement isn’t on in a tolerant and inclusive society. CRIME!

    I can see where you’ve all gotten confused by this, you’ve taken the idea that equality and fairness (which is also trumpeted by the offenderati) applies, er, equally and fairly. It’s a simple mistake to make.

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