Yes. We. Can.

Vile old scrote.

Pope Francis has said there are limits to freedom of expression and that following the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris “one cannot make fun of faith”.

Yes, we can. That’s what freedom of speech means. When someone says there must be limits, they do not support freedom of speech. And, frankly, I’ll take no lectures from a delusional old crank who thinks that he can talk to the sky and get a rational answer. So, take your faith and stick it where the sun don’t shine.


  1. Quite.

    The guys a cunt. “Religions have Dignity” really? The religion of peace doesn’t seem to care much for the dignity of the French atm

  2. If you don’t like people making fun of your beliefs, try not having such funny beliefs. Dead people coming back to life, flying horses, magic food, what are you, eight years old?

  3. When I heard this I wanted to vomit, through out history people have made fun of religion.
    What makes this even worse is that the Catholic church have had more than their fair share of scandal and bad behaviour “There are no paedophiles in the Catholic church” and of course the Inquisition were a fine body of zealots.
    I always find religious leaders so pious, pompous and full of hypocrisy The problem any pope has is seeming sincere about modernising the Catholic church because clearly there is no real drive to change, like many religions they expect everyone to change around them,and bend to their will because their rules were given to them by God and cant be changed. He’s a moron most religious leaders are and it’s a pre requisite for ordination.

  4. “Faith” is DEFINED as: “Belief without evidence”
    I mean, you what?

    Tell the greasy dago, bishop Georgie Giglolo to fuck right off, OK?

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