They’re Back

The ONS. Last year they tried to contact us for their Labour Force Survey. I was away from home and Mrs L didn’t answer the door. Not to be put off by such a rebuff, they’ve sent us a letter thanking us for our contribution last year and they will be calling again this year for a follow-up.

The questions they ask are intrusive (my religion, ethnicity and sexual orientation are none of the state’s business), as well as what work I do, how much, what I earn and so on (the questions go on and on and on, frankly). Given that HMRC has the necessary bits of that – for the rest, they can fuck right off.

Oh,  yes, they ask about smoking…


  1. OTOH
    One can have LOTS OF FUN
    By lying through your teeth &/or ensuring your replies are at least 5 sigma away from the percieved “norm”.
    There’s more than one way to shaft the system, believe me!

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