Vipers in our Midst

Julia drew my attention to this creature in the comments yesterday.

A trainee lawyer at one of Britain’s top law firms has been forced to apologise after posting a video online in which he blamed the Paris shootings on non-Muslims who “killed our people and raped and pillaged our resources”.

Aysh Chaudhry, a 22-year-old whose job at magic circle firm Clifford Chance makes him one of the best-paid graduate employees in the country, accused moderate Muslims of “succumbing to the corrupt values that the kuffar (non-believers) are trying to impose on us” in the wake of the terror attacks that killed 17 in France.

Ah, yes, the mealy-mouthed-not-really-meant apology. Thing is, in the wake of my discussion on free speech, I am perfectly happy for Chaudhry to spout off. I would have no problem with his employer showing him the door. After all, free speech does carry consequences and in this case, he has demonstrated that he is unfit to represent anyone – other than, that is, other Islamic nutters of the Kalashnikov toting variety.

This free speech thing works like this – we now know who he is and what he represents, so, if you were to go to Clifford Chance and seek legal representation, would you want this loon to be representing you? Me neither. Consequently he is now a liability for his employer. In this instance, giving him the boot would be perfectly fine. Again, when mouthing  off, it behoves one to consider whether it brings your employer into disrepute and in this case it does, although Clifford Chance seem to think differently.

Most of the time, it doesn’t. Hence my usual stance that the employer should ignore – or preferably robustly reject – any calls for dismissal of employees who dare to stray from the orthodoxy of the day.

And, on the free speech  thing, consider this:

…calls on viewers to “stop putting freedom on this pedestal” and refers to secular, liberal beliefs as a “bankrupt ideology”.

Hmmm, it seems that this freedom of speech thing is all fine and dandy when calling for the murder of the unbelievers. The only bankrupt ideology is the one calling for people to be killed for daring not to believe. There are places more suited to Chaudhry’s bent. Perhaps he should do as the mayor of Rotterdam suggested and fuck off there. I hear Saudi Arabia is just the kind of place that venerates freedom of speech – ten years inside and a thousand lashes for writing a blog. Nice. Lovely place. This prick would be right at home.


  1. If a white English Christian had said something like this, the thought police would have had him locked up by now. It just shows how bent and politicised the British Police are now. “Without fear or favour” is conspicuous by it’s absence in the modern police force.

  2. My youngest has just finished her lawyer training (Honours degree, Masters degree and solicitors post graduate courses) and would be an asset to Clifford Chance. Chaudhry obviously doesn’t want the job. Perhaps he should quit and let someone else have a shot at the big time.

    • No chance, mate. This bloke was probably employed because he ticked the ‘equality’ box, not because he was uniquely qualified. Keeps the PC hounds at bay if you have a Muslim trainee.

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