Revealed Preferences

The most hated brands.

I tend to look upon surveys as being twenty-four carat diamond encrusted bollocks with knobs on. Likewise this one. So Ukip is the most hated brand –  along with the likes of McDonalds and Ryanair. Well, blow me down.

Really? Revealed preferences suggests otherwise. Else why do so many folk fly Ryanair, eat big Macs and vote Ukip? And just how many millions have a Facebook account?

This is just gold-plated fashionable Ilslingtonesque leftism. And, yes, while I don’t vote Ukip, I do like the occasional Big Mac and will happily fly Ryanair. I don’t waste my time talking to people doing stupid surveys, though…


  1. Somewhere on the web I read of a wonderful jape played on a survey taker. Later I had the opportunity to have a go myself. I saw a woman with a clip board outside Superdrug, I caught her eye until she took a step forward, question four was “what grooming products do you use?” I replied, Facebook mostly and twitter. To her credit she laughed like a drain and said that’s the best one all day. I think it came from filthy engineers’ blog.

  2. IIRC on FE’s blog it went something like this: “What grooming products do you use?”

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